

Origami is the craft (or art) of folding paper into shapes and sculptures. The word derives from the Japanese word 'oru' which means "to fold", and 'kami' which means "paper". Mathematics need to be made more visual for some learners and here are some advantages of using origami in the Mathematics classroom.


Paper was first invented in China around 105 A.D., and was brought to Japan by monks in the sixth century. Handmade paper was a luxury item only available to a few, and paper folding in ancient Japan was strictly for ceremonial purposes, often religious in nature.


Many origami books begin with a description of basic origami techniques which are used to construct the models. This includes simple diagrams of basic folds like valley and mountain folds, pleats, reverse folds, squash folds, and sinks. There are also standard named bases which are used in a wide variety of models, for instance the bird base is an intermediate stage in the construction of the flapping bird. Additional bases are the preliminary base (square base), fish base, waterbomb base, and the frog base.


Traditionally, it was believed that if one folded 1000 origami cranes, one's wish would come true. It has also become a symbol of hope and healing during challenging times. As a result, it has become popular to fold 1000 cranes (in Japanese, called “senbazuru”).

The importance of origami

Modern origami has attracted a worldwide following, with ever more intricate designs and new techniques. One of these techniques is 'wet-folding,' the practice of dampening the paper somewhat during folding to allow the finished product to hold shape better. Variations such as modular origami, also known as unit origami, is a process where many origami units are assembled to form an often decorative whole. Complex origami models normally require thin, strong paper or tissue foil for successful folding; these lightweight materials allow for more layers before the model becomes impractically thick. Modern origami has broken free from the traditional linear construction techniques of the past, and models are now frequently wet-folded or constructed from materials other than paper and foil. With popularity, a new generation of origami creators has experimented with crinkling techniques and smooth-flowing designs used in creating realistic masks, animals, and other traditional artistic themes.

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Origami is a very popular craft today. It helped inspire the book Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, which was later turned into a movie. The art form has even inspired the design of things like airbags and heart stents. Origami sculptures can be fascinating.


In the early days we exchanged passionately about experiences, techniques in paper folding, introducing each other to new compositions, though still in its infancy. So far, we have participated in organizing many exhibitions, introductory workshops, teaching Origami at schools, centers, culture houses and cultural exchange events in big and small cities nationwide. The talented members also gradually confirmed their names, introduced-invited to attend international exhibitions, through Origami to introduce Vietnamese people to their friends across five continents ...
In Origami contains a lot of profound living philosophy, a magical worldview that is all formed by paper, brains, hands and burning passion. And above all, origaME art is also the place where we have extended our big arms to connect with friends from all over the sky, not only in Vietnam but also in the world. We, Vietnam Origami Group hope to contribute a small part of our efforts to the historical flow of modern origami.


Our Great Team

Nguyen Anh Tuan


Doan Nguyen Tuan Anh


Nguyen Kim Hoang Nam
